Burger King gets defriended by Facebook

Posted: January 17, 2009 in Facebook

Burger King Sacrafice

I posted last week how Burger King has endorsed an application that rewarded Facebook members with a free Whopper if they defriended 10 Facebook friends.  It seems that Facebook has shut that site down due to what they are calling “privacy concerns.”  The official Facebook response sounded like this.

"We encourage creativity from developers and brands using Facebook Platform, but we also must ensure that applications follow users’ expectations of privacy. This application facilitated activity that ran counter to user privacy by notifying people when a user removes a friend. We have reached out to the developer with suggested solutions. In the meantime, we are taking the necessary steps to assure the trust users have established on Facebook is maintained."

So if you missed out on your free Whopper, you should have acted faster.  Defriending people on Facebook is serious business and it should not be taken lightly. 

Remember, I search so you don’t have to!

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